The results of these searches may return Montana Business Quarterly articles which are not always available online.

Publications in Category: Wildfires, in date order.

Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act on National Forests - A Review of U.S. Forest Service Land Management Accomplishments, Budget and Litigation
Todd A. Morgan, Michael J. Niccolucci and Eric Berg


Lumber Prices Skyrocket During Pandemic - Costs Soar Amid Construction and Remodeling Boom
Todd A. Morgan and Steve W. Hayes

Montana Business Quarterly Volume 59, No. 1      

Bureau of Business and Economic Research


Montana's Forest Industry Employment and Income Trends - Declining Harvest Volumes and Increasing Productivity
Todd A. Morgan, Michael J. Niccolucci and Paul E. Polzin


What Happened to Montana's Forestry Jobs?
Todd Morgan, Michael Niccolucci and Paul Polzin


USDA Forest Service Region 1 2018 Social Survey - Methods Summary
Bureau of Business and Economic Research


The State of Montana Forestry
Dorian Smith, Steven Hayes and Kate Marcille


Recovering from the Mountain Pine Beetle - The Impact on Sawmills and Forest Products in Montana
Dan Loeffler and Nathaniel Anderson


Wildfire Emissions in Montana - Exploring Wildfire Management in CO2 Emission Reduction
Patrick M. Barkey and Todd A. Morgan


Timber Use, Processing Capacity and Capability by Diameter Size Class in the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest Timber-Processing Area
Chelsea P. McIver, Charles B. Gale, Steven W. Hayes


Oregon's Forest Products Industry and Timber Harvest 2013 with Trends Through 2014
Eric A. Simmons, Micah G. Scudder, Todd A. Morgan, Erik C. Berg, and Glenn A. Christensen


Measuring the Benefits of the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program for Local Communities in Northeast Washington - FY2012 -2015
Chelsea P. McIver


Forest Management Capacity in the Southwest Crown of the Continent, Montana (Poster)
Chelsea P. McIver


Measuring Local Contractor Participation in the SW Crown of the Continent CFLRP project, Montana (Poster)
Chelsea P. McIver


Determinants of Trust for Public Lands: Fire and Fuels Management on the Bitterroot National Forest
Adam Lijeblad, William T. Borrie, and Alan E. Watson


Wildfire Supression Costs
Krista Gebert

Montana Business Quarterly Volume 45, No. 3      

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