Volume 56, Number 1, Spring  2018

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Bitcoin in Montana

What's All The Fuss About Anyway?


Brandon Bridge

Bitcoin has been all over the news lately thanks to its meteoric rise last year. So, what is Bitcoin and what are its implications for Montanans?

2018 Economic Roundtable


Bureau of Business and Economic Research

We asked speakers from the 2018 Economic Outlook Seminar to share their insights on the prospects for some key sectors of the state economy.

Tackling Montana's Workforce Shortage


Bryce Ward

If you travel across the state and talk with Montana?s employers, you will hear frequent complaints about their difficulty finding workers.

Recovering from the Mountain Pine Beetle

The Impact on Sawmills and Forest Products in Montana


Dan Loeffler and Nathaniel Anderson

Beginning in the late 1990s, the pine forests of Montana began to experience the largest mountain pine beetle outbreak in recorded history.